Todd speaking with an interested potential customer.
There were thousands of people coming and going, but we had a great time speaking to many of them, giving the information about our company and giving out free gifts too!

Whitley took great joy in blowing up balloons for the children
Children love balloons, so why not put a Healthy Basement Systems logo on them and give them to all the little kiddies to take home!

Balloons for the children were everywhere!
Blue balloons were all throughout the festival with Bill Simone's Healthy Basement Systems decal all over them. We love those kiddies!

Yes we even tied them on the children's wrist to be sure they didn't fly away
What better way to make sure the balloons make it home with the little kiddies than to attach them to their little wrists. They all loved them too!

Balloons, Balloons, Balloons!
We could see our balloons everywhere at the fair! It was awesome.

Debbie was awesome engaging all the people walking by
We had our crew on both sides of the booth, reaching out to as many attendees as they possible could. Debbie and Faith gave out lots of promotional items with Bill Simone's Healthy Basement System information on it.

Water bottles and swag
Faith was diligent to give all who passed her by with a pen, a bottle, a balloon or a pamphlet. No one could get by without getting something that said Bill Simone's Healthy Basement Systems!

Petting the animals was fun too!
We even saw real live camels at the festival!

Time to get more balloons from Whitley
The kids kept coming for the balloons; one little girl let her balloon fly away but of course we gave her another one!

Even the grown ups wanted balloons
Who said balloons are just for children? Not so! This young lady was so happy to have her own balloon!

Potential Customer Inquiring
Great job Todd! Keeping up with all the potential customers stopping by, asking questions and wanting more information.

More Balloons
No matter the age they all took balloons!

The carnival was great too
Young or old everybody loves a carnival. The festival had everything for all ages!

Daddy's little girl
This father and daughter were very friendly to our staff, all day!

Take this balloon home!
Tie it to the carriage or tie it to the child, take this balloon home!

Working very hard
Faith working very hard at the Oyster Festival.

It was a nice day
Debbie assisting a potential customer.

Look at the little toddler receiving a balloon!

They had some HUGE lobsters at the festival too!

Todd at work!
Our stand looked great at the festival!

We can help your basement or crawl space.
No matter what age you are, if you have a wet basement, we can help!

Working hard all day!
Debbie working hard all day!

Thanks for the water bottle!
Thanks for the water bottle!