Before of back
Back of house with steps that needed stabilization

Crack in foundation showing slipping down hill

Other side of house showing some cracks and slipping

Back of house with gutter
This is the right side of the back of the house with patio cracks

Before side
Side of house that needed stabilization

Side of house needing to get to the footing

Electric Box
Inside piers needed to be put under the electric box

Inside house
This is part of the inside of the house that needed piers

This is photo of setup of piers installation

Holes dug
Here is a picture of us reaching down to the foundation

More holes dug to get into the foundation area

Inside holes
holes on inside to reach foundation at the best location

Piers are installed and being tightened down

Inside Piers
This is a photo of 3 inside piers that the foundation is just under the slab

Holes dug
This foundation is called a split or haunch and runs through the front to the back of the house about 5 feet apart.