The Invisible Threat to Your Basement and Crawl Space - Hydrostatic Pressure

As a homeowner we typically only prepare for threats we can see with our eyes, but what about the invisible forces like hydrostatic pressure? Hydrostatic pressure is an invisible force that lurks beneath the soil, which poses a significant risk to the structural integrity of homes - specifically crawl spaces and basements. 


What is Hydrostatic Pressure?

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted against your basement and crawl space walls by groundwater deep beneath the surface. As the soil around your home gets saturated during heavy rains or rapid snowmelt, it increases the hydrostatic pressure around your home. As the force builds around your basement and crawl space walls it forces water through any gaps or cracks in the foundation leading to leaks and basement flooding.


How Hydrostatic Pressure Effects Your Basement & Crawl Space


1. Water intrusion: The most noticeable sign of hydrostatic pressure is water entering the basement through any cracks in the foundation, floors, or walls leading to a wet basement or crawl space. As water enters your basement it can lead to issues like mold, mildew, and even cause costly structural damage to your home. Remember that basement and crawl space problems don't get better with time and are best to be addressed right away.


2. Mold & Mildew Growth: As water makes its way into your basement it will create a damp, humid environment, which creates a breeding ground for mold and mildew, which affects the air you breathe inside and puts your family's health at risk. If you ever walked into a basement and smelled that musty basement smell, that's actually mold starting to grow in your basement.


3.  Structural Damage: Over time long-term exposure to hydrostatic pressure can weaken the integrity of your foundation. It can cause cracks to widen, walls to bow, which are all costly home repairs, but if left alone it can cause foundation failure, which puts you and your family's lives at risk.


Basement & Crawl Space Solutions to Combat Hrodostatic Pressure:


1. Interior basement waterproofing: Calling a basement waterproofing company and having them install an interior drainage system in your basement can help alleviate the hydrostatic pressure that's built up around the foundation of your home. As water enters the basement or crawl space it will enter the basement waterproofing system, which will direct the water out of the space and away from the foundation of the home. 


2. Sump Pump Installation: As water enters your basement and enters the drainage system it typically runs into a sump pump system, which is installed in the lowest part of the basement or crawl space and directs the water out of the basement or crawl space and away from the foundation of the home. 


3. Proper Grading & Drainage: An easy oversight when trying to address your basement flooding issues can be a simple fix as the grade of your property. If your property doesn't slope away from your foundation you're going to allow water to build up around your foundation of the home creating hydrostatic pressure. Ensuring your property has a ground slope that slopes away from your home will allow water to drain across soil that isn't pressed right up against the foundation of your home, which reduces the hydrostatic pressure around your foundation.


4. Foundation Cracks: 


Hydrostatic pressure is an invisible force that if left alone will create major issues for your basement or crawl space. By understanding the effects of hydrostatic pressure it allows you to protect your home from severe damage and maintain a dry. healthy space.

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