A Stronger Foundation Thanks to CarbonArmor

A failing foundation wall puts you and your family's safety at risk along with jeopardizing the home's structural integrity. Foundation structural problems don't get better over time, in fact, they actually get worse, that's why it's crucial to remedy these types of issues with the right solution. Depending on your foundation issue and how early you caught it, our state-of-the-art CarbonArmor system might be the perfect solution for your failing foundation wall. 


What is CarbonArmor?

CarbonArmor is a state-of-the-art wall-reinforcement system made of our carbon fiber straps and epoxy, when mixed together this combination becomes 10x stronger than steel making it the perfect solution for failing foundation walls. Our CarbonArmor system is designed to prevent any further movement of the foundation wall making this wall stable and secure again. 


Why Choose CarbonArmor?


1. Strength: CarbonArmor is 10x stronger than steel making it ideal for stabilizing foundation walls.


2. Durability: Our carbon fiber straps won't corrode or decay like steel does and can be used in damp environments, making them ideal for basement environments. 


3. Versatile: CarbonArmor can be used on different types of foundations like poured concrete or concrete blocks. 


4. Invasive-free: With our CarbonArmor system you won't have to worry about excavating your landscaping to fix your failing foundation wall. CarbonArmor gets applied to the inside of your foundation making it the perfect solution for failing foundation walls.


When to Use CarbonArmor:


CarbonArmor is the perfect solution for any basement that's showing signs of bowing, tilting, or cracking. This system is meant to be a preventative system to help homeowners avoid costly foundation repairs in the future. CarbonArmor gets applied directly to the inside foundation wall to give the wall the proper strength and stability it needs while preventing the wall from moving anymore.


If you're concerned about your foundation's structural integrity, CarbonArmor might be the perfect solution to give you peace of mind. Stabilize your failing foundation wall instantly with our CarbonArmor system and give yourself long-term protection against potential structural problems. Contact us today if you're concerned about your home's structural integrity. 



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