Understanding Why Basements Flood

Basements often serve as home gyms, extra storage, or are finished for additional living space, sometimes these spaces flood and turn into wet, damp, musty, unusable spaces. Basements flooding is actually a pretty common problem to have, in this post, we will shed some light on the reasons why basements are prone to flooding. 


1. Improver Grading


The design and grading of your backyard landscaping can play a significant roll in the way water flows, your property should slope away from your home to ensure rainwater is directed away from the foundation of the home. If your property is sloping toward your home it's going to allow water to flow toward the foundation of your home, allowing water to pool against the foundation, resulting in flooding.


2. Foundation Cracks


The quality of your basement foundation is fundamental in preventing basement flooding, overtime your home's foundation might develop foundation cracks due to movement in the soil, hydrostatic pressure, or aging. These foundation cracks can allow water to infiltrate the basement and cause potential flooding.


4. Heavy Rain


Sometimes nature unleashes forces that our homes aren't properly equipped to handle, when it rains a lot and saturates the ground it increases the hydrostatic pressure around the foundation of your home. This pressure can cause water to seep into your basement through any available opens likes cracks and cold joints, leading to basement flooding.


Understanding why your basement floods allows you as the homeowner to take the proper steps needed to protect your home from basement flooding. We recommend you check your basement regularly for any cracks and have them properly repaired, ensure your property is properly graded with the slopes going away from the foundation of your home, and keep your sump pump properly maintained, this can go a long way in keeping your basement dry and usable. We might not be able to control the weather or prevent all causes of basement flooding, but we can equip your home with the proper basement waterproofing system that will keep your basement dry and usable all the time. 


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